Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Giggle, Giggle, Quack

Giggle, Giggle, Quack by Doreen Cronin, Pictures by Betsy Lewin

Farmer Brown goes on vacation and leaves instructions  for his brother Bob on how to take care of the animals. There is a quirky duck who knows how to write so he writes his own instructions for Bob. So thanks the the duck, the animals get pizza, the ducks get a bath and so on. Then Farmer Brown finds out what has been going on.

This book is very funny and silly. The pictures really bring it all together and make this a great story! I recommend this children's book to anyone who likes to be silly and laugh!

Review from my five year old son- "I like this book alot because the duck is funny. He holds the pencil in his mouth and writes silly notes!"

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