Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Kingsbury Collection

A Kingsbury Collection by Karen Kingsbury

This is a book that contains the three novels listed below. I have seen other reviewers criticize the size of this book. Yes it is large, but HELLO it is 3 books  in 1. Did you think it would be small? *rolls eyes* I have never heard of Karen Kingsbury before getting this book. I just recently started to read Christian Fiction and I am so glad I picked this one up! Karen are one of my new favorite authors and I am proud to have your book on my shelf!

Where Yesterday Lives
I  LOVED this book and I will tell you why. The very FIRST page is captivating. You immediately want to know who this guy is and what is going on. That continues ALL the way through. I was absorbed in the characters. I wanted to know WHY they were the way they were. I wanted to know if they would be able to work it out or not. Not once did I get bored or want to put it down!

The way the author wrote this story was amazing to me. Just as I was getting to know a character and really want to know the details, the author switched it and put you in a different character's head. I found this to be both intriguing and frustrating (in a good way). I wanted to find out what the rest of the story was with the character so the author FULLY had my attention and I did NOT want to put this book down!

Let this be a warning to you all, you WILL cry when you read this. The last few chapters had me crying so hard I could hardly see the book. The emotions were radiating off the pages and I felt like I was there in real life watching all of this unfold. That just amazes me that a book could be so well written like that! Props to you Karen Kingbury! This is one of the best books I have ever read and I am proud to add it to my personal library!!!

When Joy Came To Stay
Once again, I am floored by Karen Kingsbury's writing style! This story had you guessing to fill in the missing pieces as she went from character to character. You get to a good point with one character and you are dying to know the rest of the story but it quickly jumps to a different character leaving you desperate for information. I could not put this book down until I finished it. 

I will give you this information. There IS a child abuse scene that is VERY hard to read so if you have a hard time with that, beware. I was crying so hard in that scene I had to walk away for a bit to calm down. 

Once again, she writes so well that I feel like I am in the room with these people. The emotions coming off the pages is just amazing. Very easy to get caught up in this book!

On Every Side
This is another great book by Karen, while it was not my favorite, it was still amazing! Written well, full of emotions,  and a great story line based on a true story.  

You start off hating Jordan and over the course of the book you find yourself loving him! Faith is an amazing character that caught my attention from the start.  She is one of those characters that you quickly fall in love with.

***This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an  open and honest review***

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