Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Moon Is Broken by Monique B. Martin

The Moon Is Broken by Monique B. Martin, Illustrated by Brian Flotte Jr.

Every child thinks the moon is broken at some point in their young life. This book goes through a young girl's dilemma when she sees that the moon is "broken." She is upset that God is not hearing her and starts to worry if God is sick! Thank goodness her mom is around to explain things to her!

This is such an adorable book! PERFECT for Christian schools or churches! This book touches a little on how God made us perfect and how he made everything perfect. It is easy to expand on this book and make a lesson around it!

This is a fast, rhyming read that is fun! The pictures are colorful and stand out! You will catch every Child's attention when you read this and share the love of God with them!

Review from my five (almost six) year old son: "This book is double cute! I LOVE that she thought the moon was broken cuz that was so funny!"

***This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for an open and honest review***

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